Dr Vinit Shah Ltd Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions should be read alongside the privacy notice.


These terms and conditions set out the general terms under which we undertake our business. The specific conditions relating to particular assignments will be covered in a separate letter/letters of engagement.

Applicable law

This engagement letter, the schedule of services and our standard terms and conditions of business are governed by, and should be construed in accordance with, the law and practice of English and Wales/Scotland/ Northern Ireland. Each party agrees that the Courts of English and Wales/ Scotland/Northern Ireland will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning this engagement letter and any matter arising from it. Each party irrevocably waives any right to object to any action being brought in those Courts, to claim that the action has been brought in an inappropriate forum, or to claim that those courts do not have jurisdiction.

Authorisation and registration

Dr Vinit Shah is registered with the General Medical Council and his name can be found on the register of Medical Practitioners at http:// www.gmc-.uk.org


Communication between us is confidential. We shall take all reasonable steps not to disclose your information except where we are required to and as set out in our privacy notice. Unless we are authorised by you to disclose information on your behalf this undertaking will apply during and after this engagement. From Time to time patient notes are carried from one hospital to other or to secretary’s office for storage and data processing. Every effort will be made to ensure that data is safe and secure during this transfer.One has to accept that rarely accidents may occur during this transfer.

Data Protection

We confirm that we will comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when processing personal data. Processing means:

  • obtaining, recording or holding personal data; or
  • carrying out any operation or set of operations on personal data, including collecting and storage, organising, adapting, altering, using, disclosure (by any means) or removing (by any means) from the records manual and digital.
  • The information we obtain, process, use and disclose will be necessary for:
  • the performance of the contract
  • to comply with our legal and regulatory compliance and crime preven”on
  • contac”ng you with details of other services where you have consented to us doing so
  • other legitimate interests relating to protection against potential claims and disciplinary action against us.

This includes, but is not limited to, purposes such as updating and enhancing our client records, analysis for management purposes and statutory returns. Further details on the processing of data are contained in our privacy notice, which should be read alongside these terms and conditions.


Should we resign or be requested to resign we will normally issue a discharge letter to your GP and your self to ensure that our respective responsibilities are clear.

Electronic and other communication

As instructed, we will communicate with you and with any third parties you instruct us to as set out in our covering letter and privacy notice via email or by other electronic means. The recipient is responsible for virus-checking emails and any attachments.

With electronic communication there is a risk of non-receipt, delayed receipt, inadvertent misdirection or interception by third parties. We use virus-scanning software to reduce the risk of viruses and similar damaging items being transmitted through emails or electronic storage devices. However, electronic communication is not totally secure and we cannot be held responsible for damage or loss caused by viruses, nor for communications that are corrupted or altered after despatch. Nor can we accept any liability for problems or accidental errors relating to this means of communication, especially in relation to commercially sensitive material. These are risks you must accept in return for greater efficiency and lower costs. If you do not wish to accept these risks, please let us know and we will communicate by hard copy, other than where electronic submission is mandatory. Any communication by us with you sent through the post or DX system is deemed to arrive at your postal address two working days after the day that the document was sent.

You are required to keep us up to date with accurate contact details at all times. This is important to ensure that communications and papers are not sent to the incorrect address.

Fees and payment terms

Our fees may depend not only upon the time spent on your affairs but also on the level of skill and responsibility, and the importance and value of the advice that we provide, as well as the level of risk. If we provide you with an estimate of our fees for any specific work, then the estimate will not be contractually binding unless we explicitly state that that will be the case. Where requested, we may indicate a fixed fee for the provision of specific services or an indicative range of fees for a particular assignment.Our fees are generally with in the limits recommended and acceptable by medicalĀ  profession. Unless otherwise agreed to the contrary, our fees do not include the costs of any third party, counsel or other professional fees.

Intellectual property rights

We will retain all copyright in any document prepared by us during the course of carrying out the engagement save where the law specifically provides otherwise.


If any provision of this engagement letter, schedules of services or standard terms and conditions is held to be void, then that provision will be deemed not to form part of this contract and the remainder of this agreement shall be interpreted as if such provision had never been inserted. In the event of any conflict between these terms of business and the engagement letter or appendices, the relevant provision in the engagement letter or schedules will take precedence.

Limitation of liability

We will provide our services with reasonable care and skill. Our liability to you is limited to losses, damages, costs and expenses directly caused by our negligence or wilful default. Exclusion of liability for loss caused by others We will not be liable if such damage, loss, expense is caused by the acts or omissions of any other person or due to the provision to us of incomplete, misleading or false information, or if they are caused by a failure to act on our advice or a failure to provide us with relevant information. Exclusion of liability in relation to circumstances beyond our control We will not be liable to you for any delay or failure to perform our obligations under this engagement letter if the delay or failure is caused by circumstances outside our reasonable control. Exclusion of liability relating to non-disclosure or misrepresentation We will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or expense incurred or sustained if information material to the service we are providing is withheld or concealed from us or misrepresented to us. This exclusion shall not apply where such misrepresentation, withholding or

concealment is or should (in carrying out the procedures that we have agreed to perform with reasonable care and skill) have been evident to us without further enquiry beyond that which it would have been reasonable for us to have carried out in the circumstances.

Professional rules and statutory obligations

We will observe and act in accordance with the by-laws, regulations and ethical guidelines of the General Medical Council.

Provision of Services and indemnity insurance.

In accordance with our professional body rules we are required to hold professional indemnity insurance. Details about the insurer and coverage can be found on request. Quality of service We aim to provide a high quality of service at all times. If you would like to discuss with us how our service could be improved or if you are dissatisfied with the service that you are receiving please let us know by contacting Dr. Vinit Shah. We undertake to look into any complaint carefully and promptly and to do all we can to explain the position to you. If we do not answer your complaint to your satisfaction you may take up the matter with the hospital at which you were treated.