Stomach Ache

Stomach ache is a very common symptom amongst school age children. It is more common in girls. There are variety of causes of stomach ache but the most common causes are – non specific abdominal pain, infections, allergies, constipation, gastro oesophageal reflux, anxiety, etc. Surgical causes are appendicitis, bowel obstruction, intussusception etc. This list of causes of abdominal pain not just limited to these conditions.

Management: Paediatrician will usually take a full and thorough history followed by examination of the child. He/she may need simple urine and stool tests to begin with. Some children may need more investigations to determine the cause of pain.

Treatment usually involves treating the underlying cause and symptomatic treatments to relieve the pain.


If your child has or may have symptoms of stomach ache and you would like to make a private appointment to find out more, please contact me